New PhD student

Faustine Faccin will work on clinical information fusion in a neural network for optimizing diagnostic performance in sleep apnea syndromer (in collaboration with Noviga). Supervisors: el Hadi Dermoune, Laurent Bougrain and Pauline Guyot.

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New Ph.D. student

Lénaïg Guého will design and evaluate a brain-computer interface using spatialized auditory stimuli (in collaboration with OrangeLabs). Supervisors: Laurent Bougrain, Patrick Hénaff, Rozenn Nicol, Cyril Plapous.

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chair of junior professor in neuroscience at LORIA/Neurorhythms

What: Junior Professor of Neuroscience Scope of the function: junior-professorships.html The chair contains a reduction in service (64h) for 5 years and financial support. The chair could be accompanied by funding for a thesis grant, a post-doctorate, or even a delegation to allow the laureate to progressively move from…

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